Gas Conditioning Skids

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Gas Conditioning System or Fuel Gas Conditioning Skid or simply Fuel Gas Package is a skid mounted package/unit used for treatment of fuel gases like natural gas, hydrogen gas, biogas, propane gas prior to gas turbine or other gas combustion equipment. These skids are extensively used in the power generation industry as well as any other industrial facility that uses gaseous fuel for its energy needs.

Sungov manufactures fuel gas conditioning skid packages covering process design, mechanical design, civil design as well as electrical, instrumentation and control system design. Sungov’s typical gas treatment skid consists of a fuel gas scrubber, fuel gas preheaters, fuel gas filers and/or fuel gas coalescers and fuel gas superheaters all working in tandem to treat feed fuel gas for solid contamination removal, liquid contamination removal, dew point maintenance among others. The entire process system is engineered with necessary control and safety interlocks and shipped as a plug and play equipment at customer site.

Sungov’s in-house R&D, design and manufacturing of cartridge and coalescer elements provides a significant advantage over the competition in terms of optimal design for this made to order system.

All vessels in the fuel gas package are designed to ASME BPVC Codes as standard with ASME Code stamping as option. Valves include emergency shutdown valves for shutting down the flow to the system, flow control valves for draining liquid condensate, safety valves and on-off valves. Instrumentation & control includes level controller for condensate, pressure transmitter, temperature transmitter, thyristor control panel for heaters and PLC based process control panel. Skid frames can also be engineered to meet offshore platform specifications. Since it is an engineered to order system, our application engineers shall discuss with you to design and arrive at an optimal solution for you including accommodating your requests for preferred manufacturers for process instrumentation.

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